New & Improved Conjur Open Source Community

I would like to take a moment to talk about the exciting work our team has done to improve the CyberArk open source community.  This work spans multiple areas and disciplines, but all with the goal of providing our community with a better experience.  A few months ago, we introduced the CyberArk Commons community for CyberArk open source and Labs research discussion (you can read more about this here), but this was just the beginning.  Based on community feedback we have made a number of improvements to the key components of our open source community:  Code, Issues and Communication.


Communication is what holds a community together and allows it to flourish.  We already mentioned our new Discourse based community, CyberArk Commons, but now our open source discussions are open to the public on the CyberArk Commons forum and you can interact with some of the developers working on your favorite open source project as well as the broader community.


The code is the most vital part of any open source project.  For Conjur and other open source projects we streamlined our Pull Request (PR) process and added central guidelines for contributing to CyberArk Commons open source projects.


Based on community input, we updated our issue tracking and handling process to improve the overall community experience.

Join The Community

We are super excited about our open source community and the things to come.  Check out what’s new and feel free to ask questions or send us your feedback in the CyberArk Commons forum.